Join us for this Membership Class exploring what it looks like to become a Community Member at Grace Northridge Anglican Church.
We'll walk through our church's story, identity, central beliefs, and how we desire to follow Jesus together at Grace. The content of the class is largely from the Community Agreement, which you will find below.
Upon registering, you will receive a link to a Google Form, which has videos and some response questions to help give you an overview of Grace's essential beliefs, our history, and a picture of what we hope life at Grace typically looks like. Please view those and respond to them before the Saturday meeting. If you are registering on behalf of others in your family, please share the link so that each individual can respond separately.
At our in-person meeting on Saturday, September 7, we will review the information, answer pertinent follow-up questions, and add a few more things which we find bear the most fruit when discussed in person.
As a point of clarification, you are welcome to attend this class even if you are not sure that you agree with everything or are not ready to commit at this level to the Grace Northridge community.
Grace Northridge Anglican Church Community Agreement
Grace Northridge Anglican Church is a community of faith on mission, rooted in scripture, Spirit, and sacrament.
The Grace Northridge Anglican Church Community Agreement is an expression of our desire to follow Jesus in a loving, interdependent community inspired by unity in spirit and purpose. As a local expression of the Anglican Mission in America (AMiA), our clergy and Leadership Team are under the spiritual oversight of the lead bishop of AMiA. The Grace community is dedicated to serving each other and the city of San Antonio and beyond in a spirit of gratitude, generosity, and hospitality. We seek to serve in the manner of Jesus, trusting God and His Holy Spirit to guide us in humility while producing fruit in keeping with repentance.
By God’s grace, I affirm the vows of baptism and the faith as laid out in the Apostles and Nicene Creeds (printed on reverse side) and I will share in the life of Grace Northridge Anglican Church by:
- Affirming the Bible as the inspired word of God and its authority in all areas of faith, teaching, and leadership.
- Persevering in resisting evil, and, whenever I fall into sin, repenting and returning to the Lord.
- Proclaiming in word and example the Good News of God in Christ.
- Respecting the dignity of every human being, seeking and serving Christ in all persons, and loving my neighbor as myself.
- Committing to share in the life of Grace through regular worship and fellowship, receiving communion, and contributing to the health of the church as the Lord enables me by gifts of my time, talent, and treasure.
- Supporting and respecting the ordained clergy, including our bishops, priests, and deacons, who work to ensure the spiritual health of the church through their care, service, and leadership.
- Supporting the elected Leadership Team that is responsible for ensuring faithful stewardship of property and finances, and providing input to the clergy concerning the mission and ministry of the church.
Having received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and with a firm conviction that God has called me to join this church family, I embrace the mission and values of Grace Northridge Anglican Church, respecting those in leadership, and committing to participate in its life and ministry.